Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Better Life Index

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has developed a really interesting data visualization tool that allows you to rate by importance 11 factors that are often considered important to a person's quality of life. By playing with the different factors you can see how your values rate to the values measured in other countries in the OECD (which is restricted to developed countries). The OECD has embarked on an interesting attempt to come up with other measures beyond the classic economic ones such as GDP in order to inform better policy decisions that actually capture what matters most to people. Try the index out, it is simple and a great way to show data in a visual way.

The OECD Better Life Initiative allows a better understanding of what drives the well-being of people
and nations and what needs to be done to achieve greater progress for all. Drawing upon the
recommendations of the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social
Progress (to which the OECD has been an important contributor), the OECD has identified 11
dimensions as being essential to well-being, from health and education to local environment, personal
security and overall satisfaction with life, as well as more traditional measures such as income. These 11
dimensions are explored and analysed in detail in the How’s Life report, the first attempt at an
international level to present the best set of comparable and comprehensive well-being indicators.
At the same time, the OECD has created the “Your Better Life Index” to support policy making to
improve the quality of life.


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