Saturday, January 19, 2008

Pre-Departure Shin-Dig

Our pre-departure get together on January 12, 2008 was a wonderful energizer. It was so great to have so many friends and family come out to show their support for us and our upcoming adventure. I want to truly thank everyone who came out and I hope that you had close to the great time that we had. Everyone was very supportive and the cards, gifts and sentiments written in our book truly brought smiles to our faces. Thank you all for coming.
I need to thank Brian Yasvinski for helping us out by storing one of our king mattress box springs which we just couldn’t fit into our storage containers that we put our stuff into for the year. Packing them was akin to playing Tetris and we did quite well but we just couldn’t fit in the one of the two box springs. (Thanks Brian)
I also want to thank Janna’s parents, Chris and Lisa, for all their support including letting us stay with them for a week and driving us to the airport. (as well as storing the four bags of stuff we had to veto from our repacking due to size and weight constraints) I also want to thank Megan and Paul for their support and my parents for their generous support of our opportunity in Malawi.
Janna and I both feel very lucky to be able to take this opportunity to volunteer in Malawi and are grateful to our employers (and our managers who made it a reality) for the ability to take a leave of absence.
We will give an update as soon as we can once we find some internet access in Malawi, which might take a little bit while we try to get oriented.

Thanks again to everyone,

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